
1. Extract the plugin in <magento_install_dir>/app/code. The file structure should look like this:

└── code
└── Edipost
└── Shipment
            ├── Block

2. Run bin/magento module:enable Edipost_Shipment to enable module
4. Run bin/magento module:status to check if the module is enabled
5. Run bin/magento setup:upgrade to update database schema, clear compiled code and cache


Go to Stores --> Configuration --> Sales --> Shipping Settings and edit the address fields under Origin

Go to Stores --> Configuration --> Sales --> Edipost Integration to open the setup page and populate the fields as described below.

  1. Choose Yes to enable module
  2. URL to Edipost API. Use if no other URL is provided
  3. The password to access the Edipost API. Contact customer support to obtain a valid API Token
  4. URL to Edipost web application. Use if no other URL is provided
  5. Username to log in to Edipost web application
  6. Password to log in to Edipost web application

  1. Make sure the Print engine is Active. If not, download the installer and follow the on-screen instructions. Follow this guide to setup Localprint for your webshop URL.
  2. Select the printer you want to use for regular shipping labels (not RFID)
  3. Press this button to print a PDF test label
  4. Select the printer you want to use for RFID shipping labels. This printer is only used for the shipping method "Pakke i Postkasse (med sporing)"
  5. Press this button to print a RFID test label


  1. Choose shipping product
  2. Add reference text. This is an optional field
  3. Use electronic alert on SMS/Email if supported by shipping product
  4. Create shipment for the current order
  5. Open the address for the current order in the Edipost web application


VersionDateChanges support for new Bring products